How to make affordable international calls from overseas without a smartphone?

I recently made a trip to Philippines, in an “old-school” way, meaning I managed to travel without a smartphone.
How did it go? I’ve probably made this trip more complicated than it needed to be without bringing a smartphone. I was not able to get maps and got frustratingly lost in the middle of nowhere; not able to check metro timetables or how long it would take for the next bus to come. But luckily I was still able to use OneSuite Callback to call home from my friend’s place!
In case you don’t know yet, there are two ways to trigger a callback. Besides using OneSuite VoIP App, you could also trigger a callback from OneSuite website by logging into your account. So here’s how I did it:
Happy traveling, savvy calling…and vice versa

Want to stay connected without going broke this travel season? No matter where you go, with or without Internet, OneSuite offers unbeatable low rates and worldwide coverage for you to reach friends, family and colleagues.
All OneSuite users can use the following methods to make call worldwide, subscription-free. SuiteAdvantage subscribers will also be able to receive FREE calls and voicemail worldwide on their SuiteAdvantage phone number, using the OneSuite VoIP app or computer softphone!
How to Get Free Calls with VoIP and IP Phones
Whether it’s called a VoIP, voice over IP, IP, or SIP phone, all these terms basically refer to one thing: your phone can make calls over the Internet, to both other VoIP numbers and traditional phone numbers.
So read on to find out how to leverage the Internet to make free international calls through VoIP on IP phones:
OneSuite Video: OneSuite does that, that AND that?
I didn’t know that!
But it’s true, OneSuite doesn’t just give you great cheap international calling, we offer so much more as well.
And that’s why we’re here to give you a lightening fast 90 sec run down of what other telecom services we offer. Here’s the video! (Feel free to share our amazing pricing with your friends!)
How Mom Can Enjoy A Much Deserved "Me Time"
Her kids may have flown the nest, and her friends may have jetted off, but now you can give mom back her social circle with OneSuite’s new app. See how Amy did it for her mom:
Amy has shown her mom how to enjoy cheap international calling with just one touch, by setting up a new OneSuite account for her as a Mother’s Day gift this year.
She downloaded the OneSuite Mobile Dialer app to mom’s smartphone, so mom can make international calls to her sister in Paris with OneSuite, directly from her phonebook contacts (here’s how for iPhone, Android or BlackBerry).
No outrageous charges from her mobile carrier, no PIN, or even Wi-Fi or data plan needed. Mom’s happy!
International Roaming Horror on iPhone™
LOL! Gotta applaud the video creator’s sense of humor, but I also empathize for his international roaming horror. I’m sure that’s not the first horror story you’ve heard about international roaming bills either!
Alternative to Mobile Roaming Overseas
A recent study shows that email users are now making fewer long-distance phone calls since they’ve gone online. But for travelers like me, calling home is a must whenever I’m on a trip. Yes email comes in handy but there’s nothing like hearing my wife’s voice when I’m jetlagged and wide awake 3AM in the morning.
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!
One way of perking up your work day is having a good cup of coffee. Our office used to order large canisters of coffee grounds from office supply stores, and the receptionist would make a fresh pot of coffee everyday. But it seemed like no one appreciated it and still strolled down the street to Starbucks™ and spent $3.00 for their daily doses. Most of the time, they’d ask a couple of co-workers to go along. By the time they got back it’s at least 20 minutes later, some may come back with various snacks from Famima!!™, some may come back with a new pair of shoes or a new gossip topic. It became more than an issue with coffee taste but productivity issue with management.
Long-Distance Relationship? How to Save on Phone Bill?
Maintaining a long-distance relationship is never easy. My long-distance love affair with my wife began a few years ago when I became a senior business consultant and had to travel internationally on a regular basis. It went ok in the beginning but pretty soon my wife started complaining about not hearing from me often enough. So to compensate for those weeks that I’m not at home, I make it to a point to call her everyday, even if that means a couple of hundred dollars more on my phone bill.